The Parent/Teacher Partnership
The partnership with parents, which characterises the Hill House ethos, is especially important while your child is of Pre School age. Good parent/teacher communication is crucial at this stage in a child’s education and the effectiveness and joy of early learning is enhanced when it is carried on into the home. At Hill House our aim is to support you in your role as parents and primary educators of your children. The influence of your child’s teacher should support and nurture the values you are seeking to pass on to your children and at Hill House we believe that this is one of the most important aspects of teaching. In addition to being excellent early years practitioners, Hill House staff strive to act as good role models for the children and to ensure that there is a real unity between home and Pre School. Excellent communication is the key to a successful Parent/Teacher Partnership. We make ourselves as available to parents as possible. There is an opportunity to speak to your child’s class teacher at the beginning and end of each session and as well as one formal scheduled meeting during the year, we are always happy to make additional appointments for more in depth discussions about any aspect of your child’s development or the educational programme on offer at Hill House. |